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Rizwan Sarfraz

I am Muhammad Rizwan Sarfraz, working as a Full-stack developer for the past 5 years, I have extensive experience working with Laravel, Vue.js, and Node.js and delivering cooperate-level projects.

Ref vs Rreactive in Vuejs – with Examples

“ref” and “reactive” are two different ways to define reactive variables in Vue.js. “ref” is used to define a reactive variable that refers to a single value. When the value of a “ref” variable changes, Vue.js will automatically update any…

Vue.js Cheat Sheet

Directives: (Same in Vue 2 and 3) v-bind: or : – binds an attribute value to an expression. v-model – two-way data binding for form elements. v-for – loops through an array and generates elements. v-if, v-else-if, v-else – conditionally…