Category Vuejs

What is nextTick in Vue.js? How and When to Use It

Vue.js, the progressive JavaScript framework, is celebrated for its simplicity, flexibility, and robust ecosystem. Whether you’re building dynamic user interfaces or complex single-page applications, Vue offers a reactive data-binding system that makes developing highly interactive applications a breeze. Among the…

Ref vs Rreactive in Vuejs – with Examples

“ref” and “reactive” are two different ways to define reactive variables in Vue.js. “ref” is used to define a reactive variable that refers to a single value. When the value of a “ref” variable changes, Vue.js will automatically update any…

Vue.js Cheat Sheet

Directives: (Same in Vue 2 and 3) v-bind: or : – binds an attribute value to an expression. v-model – two-way data binding for form elements. v-for – loops through an array and generates elements. v-if, v-else-if, v-else – conditionally…